Short research projects by Undergraduate and taught Postgraduate students
1. Nicola Collins: Habitat preferences and species richness of terrestrial mammals in the Pacaya Samiria Reserve, Peru
In recent years, seasonal inundations that occur within the Pacaya Samiria reserve in Peru are becoming more extreme, resulting in increased flooding within the high water season. These intensified seasonal changes are causing a range of seasonal habitats to become inundated at greater intensities and for longer periods than before. The increase in flood levels is expected to greatly impact the terrestrial mammal species, including rodents, deer, peccaries, and tapirs, causing them to seek refuge in areas of higher topography such as levees or floodplain islands, which would likely result in increased biotic interactions such as competition or predation.
This study aims to identify: 1) the overall effects that extreme high water seasons are having on the terrestrial mammal species; 2) species preferences for particular habitats; 3) species richness and species composition within the local habitats within the flooded forests.
In the summer of 2015 Nicola used camera traps borrowed from Bournemouth University and Operation Wallacea researchers as well as animal prints to record the species that used previously flooded areas in Pacaya Samiria Reserve, Peru, after the water retreated. Her work was supported by Operation Wallacea and was a follow-up of a placement she did at the site in 2014.
Lead - Nicola Collins
Supervisor - Amanda Korstjens
External Supervisor - Moya Burns from Operation Wallacea
Course - BSc Ecology and Wildlife Conservation
About - I am an undergraduate student studying Ecology and Wildlife Conservation at Bournemouth University. I am currently writing my undergraduate dissertation looking at habitat preferences and species richness of terrestrial mammals in the Pacaya Samiria Reserve, Peru.
Research Interests
Ecology, behavioural ecology, camera trapping, terrestrial mammals, tropical forest ecology, primatology.
Hobbies and interests
Hiking, kayaking & wildlife photography.