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Suitable habitat for some of the most threatened species is dwindling fast and with limited conservation resources available, it is essential that we invest those resources into areas with the greatest biodiversity value. The Uxpanapa Valley in Mexico is one of Mesoamerica's largest forest remnants, is considered as a main biodiversity hotspot and has recently been established as a Protected Area. However, only minimal research has been conducted on the distribution of species in the area and deforestation activities remain high. The initial management proposal lacked zonation as well as species sampling data and did not include a portion of the Uxpanapa Valley in which there are several threatened species, including two primates present in the region (Ateles geoffroyi and Alouatta palliata). This project identified areas most suited to biodiversity protection and conservation. Firstly, primate distribution and group sizes were established and primate presence/absence was associated to landscape attributes. Spider monkeys were found to be positively associated with Tall Forest. Secondly, threats present in the study area were quantified (fire incidents, hunting activities and natural predation) but no clear impacts of these factors were found on primate distributions. Thirdly, the potential for primates to act as umbrella species for bat species was investigated, and a positive association was found between the distributions of endangered bats and spider monkeys. In the final analysis, all the above results were combined in a Systematic Conservation Planning approach, and Priority Conservation Sites were selected. The final output should contribute towards structuring an effective management plan for the Protected Area that will ensure maximum protection for biodiversity. Overall, this work provides information of the effectiveness of using primates for developing conservation strategies and their potential to be used as a proxy for ensuring tropical forest maintenance.

Project Contributors

Lead - Aralisa Shedden Gonzales


Lead Institute - Bournemouth University


Supervisor - Amanda Korstjens


Supervisor - Philippa Gillingham & Adrian Newton


Funding - CONACYT and VC fee-waive studentship Bournemouth University


Start date - September 2012


Thesis submitted - September 2015

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